Thursday, October 6, 2011

Refreshing Inspiration

A very dear friend of mine and college roommate (for all 4 years), Deb, visited this past week with her two girls. As luck would have it, her older daughter is one week older than Neven, and her younger daughter is three weeks older than Daria. What are the chances?! We had a FANTASTIC visit together, truly stress-free! On top of just having a generally good time, I also received some REFRESHING INSPIRATION from her. As a mom, she's unbelievably patient and compassionate with her (all!) kids, and very PRESENT with them. She seems to have a limitless amount of energy to keep up with engaging an infant and a preschooler - singing, rocking, nursing, hiding, playing make-believe, teaching, showing, drinking "tea"... Her kids are such happy little girls, no doubt a side-effect of her parenting style. I hope to be able to carry over some of her attitude and approach to parenting -- To remember that my children are only this age for such a short time, and to ENJOY them, each and every moment I possibly can! 

Just a few months after meeting as roommates! - Fall 1997

 Springfest - 1998

 Halloween - 1998

 1,000 Steps Hike - 1999

 "Under the Sea Party" - 2001

Juniata Graduation - May 2001
2011 (yikes, 14 years later?! how'd that happen?!)
More from Deb's Visit... 

Neven shared some of his home-preschooling activities with Addy. I was flattered that the ideas were new and fresh to Deb, and she plans on carrying them home with her. 

Face painting, dress up, puppet shows, water play, and sand play... all in one place! 

We revisited the short, kid-friendly hiking loop through Eldorado's community preserve that we discovered a few weeks ago. Neven and Addy were like pros... off they went on the trail!   

How can you go wrong with something as simple as swings?

** We miss you girls!! Come back and visit again SOON! xoxo **

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