Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Geodesic Dome Playhouse

A project I've been wanting to do for a while now with the kids, and I figured while we are living in someone else's (kid-free) home for a few weeks was a good time to do it: build a GEODESIC DOME out of newspapers. The original idea is from Disney Family Fun (I found that website through Inner Child Fun's blog). 

1. Gather newspaper - You'll need 100 full sheets. 
2. Make 25 logs - Lay four sheets of newspaper flat, one on top of the other. Using something like a pencil as a general guide, start at one of the corners and roll the newspaper along the diagonal. Slip the pencil out and tape the log shut. After all of the logs are made, trim the ends so that they are all approximately the same length (should be approximately 30 inches). 
3. Clear a large area of floorspace to construct your dome. 
4. Staple three logs together to make a triangle. Repeat, until you have five triangles. 
5. Staple the triangles together at the corners. 
6. Add connecting logs across the tops of the triangles. 
7. Staple the five remaining logs together to create a star. 
8. This is where things got a little tricky, and I needed Neven to help me - Slowly raise the triangles structure, bring ends together to create a circular fence, and staple the ends together. 
9. Staple the ends of the star to the tops of the triangles (to do this, I had Neven stand in the middle and hold the star center on his head). 
10. Optional: Add a blanket roof/wall. 

After thoughts: 
*I only used two sheets of newspaper per roll, and they were a bit flimsy - we'll definitely use four next time! 
*The weakest part of the structure seemed to be where they were joined - perhaps some duct tape to reinforce? or roll the newspaper logs along the straight edge (rather then along the diagonal)? 

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